This Is Why You Should Get Rug Restoration Services

Often, all that's needed to make a rug look great is a thorough rug cleaning service, but when this isn't enough, it's here where rug restoration services are needed. Modern rug restoration services will save rug owners from having to get expensive rug replacements, and rug restoration services can even be performed on antique and vintage rugs.
If you've been looking for a team that can provide rug restoration services, choose us. For years, we've been a first choice for those who need antique and vintage rug cleaning in Long Island, but since we opened our doors several years ago, we’ve also been delivering first-rate rug restoration services. No job is too large or complex for our team, and all our rug restoration services are timely and affordable.
If you need rug recoloring, rug reweaving, rug binding, or rug fringing, then getting in touch with our team will be a great move. We also deliver many other affordable rug restoration services.


Our Rug Recoloring Service Is Sought Often

If you need rug recoloring, get this from our experts. They've been specializing in this restoration work for years. When they're done with recoloring your rug, you'll think you just purchased it the other day.
Don’t worry about your rug’s unique pattern being messed up. Our rug recoloring experts are meticulous and detailed, and they'll be very careful when handling your rugs. We can even recolor antique and vintage rugs. You won’t have to worry about rug dye running either, as our team knows how to work with old materials.

Here’s Why Rug Reweaving Is Important

A rug reweaving service is another service that’s often sought by owners of antique and vintage rugs. If your rug begins to unravel, this is when reweaving will be necessary. Reweaving is often needed by owners of Persian, Moroccan, Turkish, and Oriental rugs. If your rugs have been damaged by moths and other insects, a rug reweaving service will help a lot. Once we're done with reweaving, your rug will be sound. It’ll also be more visually attractive, and this is something every rug owner wants at the end of the day.

You Won’t Regret Getting Rug Binding

Rug binding is another useful restoration service that we're always happy to deliver. We can bind your rug using special tape or a sewing machine—it’s really up to you! We’ll always pursue the method that gets your rug back to you quickest and for an affordable price. A rug binding service will make your rug sturdy for years.

When It’s Time To Get A Rug Fringing Service

When you get rug fringing from us, you can have peace of mind in knowing that your rug will last for many years after we're done. A fringing service can be vital, as if your rug’s fringe gets damaged, it’ll only be a matter of time before the rest of the rug goes with it. Our team has the equipment and know-how necessary to execute a rug fringing service quickly.